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1. William Henry Harrison, 31 Days

In Office: March 4, 1841 —April 4, 1841


Died within a month of his first term. Harrison only had time for one official act: calling Congress into a special session, which he set to begin on May 31, 1841. He and Whig leader Henry Clay had disagreed over the necessity of the special session (which Harrison opposed, but Clay desired in order to immediately get his economic agenda underway), but Clay's powerful position in both the legislature and the Whig Party quickly forced Harrison to give in. Harrison was the first president to die in office.

就职的第一个月内离世。Harrison仅仅参与过一次官方活动:1841年5月31日开始召集国会开展特别会议。他和辉格党领导人Henry Clay对于特别会议的必要性产生分歧(Harrison反对,但是Clay为了使他的经济议程顺利进行希望会议尽快进行),但是Clay在立法机构和辉格党的有利地位迫使Harrison让步。Harrison是首个在职时去世的总统。