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夏日将结束 如何适应新的季节?


2. Throw a party
We’ve all heard the saying, “go out with a bang,” so why not apply those words of wisdom to the summertime? You may be sad that the sunny season is ending, but you can’t stop it. So, instead of moping around the house, put your time and energy into one last summer event. Enjoy all of your favorite summer drinks and foods as you reminisce with friends and family about the great summer you had!
我们都会听到有人说:“出去玩团吧!” 那为什么不把这句话的智慧运用在夏日时光上?你可能对夏天的结束感到悲伤,但你并不能够改变这种现状,所以与其在家擦地板,还不如把精力花在最后的夏日活动上,一边跟朋友家人畅享夏日的精彩,一边享受着夏日冰饮和美食。