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美研发活体细胞 为移居火星做准备


  A mission to Mars may seem like a distant dream to cash-strapped Nasa, but a controversial scientist says we are on the verge of a breakthrough that would enable humans to settle there.

  U.S. scientist Craig Venter stunned the scientific community last year when he revealed that he had created the world's first synthetic organism.

  美国科学家Craig Venter在去年的行为让学术界倍感震惊,他宣布他已经成功合成了首个拥有人造基因组的活体“生命”。

  Now his team are working on engineering the cells to grow by consuming carbon dioxide - and he thinks we can harness this to set up camp on the Red Planet.


  Engineered organisms would have huge implications for Earth, where it could potentially be used to stem climate change and help feed a population that will soon top seven billion.


  He said the technology could also be used to build a new civilisation on Mars, as its thin atmosphere is 95 per cent carbon dioxide, according to Space.com.


  The maverick biologist and billionaire entrepreneur, who made his money founding profitable research companies, created the lifeform by synthesising a DNA code and injecting it into a single bacteria cell.


  The cell containing the man-made DNA then grew and divided, creating a hitherto unseen lifeform that was nicknamed 'Synthia.'


  This could lead to bacterial 'factories' that would manufacture artificial organisms designed for specific tasks.
