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Ingredients: 原料:

Filling: 馅料:

1 pound red azuki beans 一磅红豆

water 水

3/4 cup lard or oil 四分之三猪油或植物油

1-3/4 cups sugar 四分之三到一杯左右的糖

Water-Shortening Dough: 较干的生面团

2 cups flour 2杯面粉

5 tablespoons lard 5汤匙猪油

10 tablespoons water 10汤匙水

1/4 teaspoon salt 四分之一汤匙盐

Flaky Dough: 片状面团:

1 cup flour 一杯面粉

5 tablespoons lard 5汤匙猪油

red food coloring for design 用于装饰的红色食用色素

Preparation: 准备:

Filling Instructions: Soak red beans in water to cover 2 hours. Drain and discard the water. Cover with 8 cups fresh water and bring to a boil, then simmer over low heat 1-1/2 hours or until skins open. Strain the beans and discard the skins. Place the strained beans in several layers of cheesecloth and squeeze out any excess water. 馅料制作说明:将红豆放入水中浸泡两小时,然后将水排出。接着在红豆中加入8杯净水一起煮,水开之后再用小火熬半小时至一小时,知道红豆表皮裂开。接着将红豆过滤并去掉表皮,倒入几层纱布中拧干,去掉多余的水分。

Place in a saucepan with the lard or oil and the sugar. Cook, stirring continuously, until almost all the moisture has evaporated. Let cool. 将红豆、猪油(或植物油)和糖一起放入锅中煮,并不停地搅拌,直到水分全部蒸发,然后放置一边冷却。

Dough Instructions: You will need 2 cups of filling for the mooncakes. Divide this into 20 portions and shape into balls.Mix ingredients for the water-shortening dough and the flaky dough separately until smooth. Divide each dough into 20 equal portions. 面团制作方法:制作月饼要两杯馅料。将这些馅料分为20份,每份揉搓成团。将生面团和片状面团的制作原料分别混合揉搓,直到面团平滑,然后将面团也各自等分为20份。

Wrap one portion of flaky dough inside each portion of water-shortening dough. Roll out each piece of dough, then fold in thirds to form three layers. Roll out again, and once more fold in thirds to form three layers. 将片状小面团填充到生面团里面,接着将面团擀开,然后叠三次,形成三层。然后再将面团擀开,再重复之前的折叠动作,又形成新的三层。
Flatten each piece of dough with the palm of your hand to form a 3" circle. Place one portion of filling in the center. Gather the edges to enclose the filling and pinch to seal. Place the filled packet in the mold, gently pressing to fit. Invert and remove the mold. 接着用手掌将面团碾开形成一个小窝,把一份馅料放入面团中间,将面团边缘合起来包住馅料,捏紧封口。将包好的月饼放入模具中,小心地将其挤压进去,然后将模具倒过来把成型的月饼倒出来。

Dilute red food coloring with water and pour onto a damp paper towel on a plate. Take some food coloring onto the cookie-design stamp, then press on top of the mooncake.
Repeat process for remaining mooncakes. Arrange mooncakes on a baking sheet. Bake 20 minutes at 350 degrees. Let cool before serving. 将红色食用色素加水稀释后倒在铺有湿纸巾的盘子里,在烤饼干专用印章上面沾上食用色素,然后将印章盖在月饼表面。重复以上做月饼的步骤把其它月饼做好。将做好的月饼摆在烘烤盘上,350度的温度烘烤20分钟。最后将烤好的月饼冷却就大功告成啦。