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      How to Change Stressful Dinners with Kids into Precious Family Tim


      Meal times are one of the cornerstones of your daily routine. They can be the most joyous part of your day or the most dreaded part of your day.


      When you have small children it is very important that you be consistent and that they sit down to eat at roughly the same times every day. It's also important that those times are spaced far enough apart so that your kids have an appetite for what's put in front of them, but not so far apart that the run-up to every meal is marked by the kind of bad behaviour and irritability that’s triggered by hunger and low blood sugar levels.


      Meals though, are not just about getting the right amount and type of food into your kids at the right time. They're also occasions when your family can be together sharing news, talking over what everyone's been up to during the day, sharing successes and disappointments as well as just enjoying each other’s company.


      My family also uses meal times to share how we helped someone or made someone smile that day.


      In many families, meal times are not so enjoyable. Instead, they’re running battles to get kids to eat, behave, or just sit down at the table. How do you turn this scenario around so that mealtimes become one of your favourite times of the day with your family?

      在许多家庭中,吃饭的时候并不是非常愉悦。相反,他们追逐着给小孩喂饭,或规规矩矩地围桌而坐,一言不发。如何扭转这样的局面? 如何使得就餐时间成为你与家人的愉快时光呢?