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  They are regularly accused of being too confident – even cocky– but the highest achievers are more often than not those who over-rate their ability.


  Now researchers believe they have discovered, for the first time, why humans have a false sense of optimism.


  Computer led simulations have shown that overconfidence in all aspects of life can often improve your chances of winning.


  For many years scientists have been divided over whether overconfidence is a good or bad thing and why it existed.


  ‘There hasn't been a good explanation for why we are overconfident, and this new model offers a kind of evolutionary logic for that. It's unlikely to be an accident—we're perhaps overconfident for a good reason,’ said Dr Dominic Johnson of the University of Edinburgh.

  爱丁堡大学的多米尼克 强森博士说:“一直以来人们都无法较好地解释为什么我们会过度自信,这一新模拟实验为其提供了一种进化上的理由。这种心理不大可能是意外,我们会过度自信,或许是有合理的原因的。”

  Sprinter Usain Bolt is famed for his relaxed and confident approach to performing, as was ‘the greatest’ boxer Muhammad Ali.

  短跑运动员尤塞恩 博尔特以其放松而自信的比赛状态著称,“最伟大的”拳击手穆罕默德 阿里也是这样。

  But there is a word of warning for anyone thinks they could be faster than a speeding bullet, more powerful than a locomotive, or able to leap tall buildings in a single bound.


  Positive self-delusion can also cause problems and lead to wrong decision making, unrealistic expectations, danger and failure.
