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When Thea and her husband moved to Los Angeles a few years ago, she had no friends close by and was alone frequently while her husband worked long hours. Though Thea, who asked that her full name not be used, says her husband was the "best friend someone could have," the spark, and sex, were gone.


Seeking company and a little romance, Thea became a member of AshleyMadison.com, a web site that connects married people wanting to have an affair.


After a few dates with a man she connected with, she began an ongoing affair. "He was giving me all of the stuff my husband wasn't -- attention and affection," she says.


There are many reasons for infidelity, such as revenge, boredom, the thrill of sexual novelty, sexual addiction. But experts say that a large majority of the time, motivations differ by gender, with men searching for more sex or attention, and women looking to fill an emotional void.


"Women tell me, 'I was lonely, not connected, I don't feel close to my partner, and I was taken for granted,'" says Winifred Reilly, MA, MFT, a licensed marriage and family therapist in Berkeley, Calif. "They say they wanted to have someone who would look into their eyes and make them feel sexy again."

加利福尼亚州伯克利市的一位有执照的婚姻家庭方面的临床医师,威妮弗蕾德 蕾利说,女人们总是告诉我说:我很孤单,没有朋友,和爱人也非常冷淡,总是被对方熟视无睹。她们想要有人能直视她们的眼睛,重新唤起她们的激情。

Emotional Reasons

Every affair is different, and so are every woman's reasons for her involvement.


That said, men are more likely to cite sexual motivations for infidelity and are less likely to fall in love with an extramarital partner, says Helen Fisher, PhD, a biological anthropologist at Rutgers University and the author of Why Him? Why Her? and Why We Love.

罗格斯大学的人类学家海伦 费舍尔博士,着有《他?她?我们为什么相爱》一书,她说,男人更倾向于把性作为不忠行为的动机,并且较少会与婚外情的另一半真的坠入爱河。

Women tend to have an emotional connection with their lover and are more likely to have an affair because of loneliness, Fisher says.


"Women tend to be more unhappy with the relationship they are in ... while men can be a lot happier in their primary relationship and also cheat," Fisher tells WebMD. "Women are more interested in supplementing their marriage or jumping ship than men are -- for men, it is a secondary strategy as opposed to an alternate.".


In one of her studies, Fisher found that 34% of women who had affairs were happy or very happy in their marriage. A greater percentage of men who had affairs, 56%, were happy in their marriage.
