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6. Don't bathe in cologne. 别喷太多香水

While you may be overly self-conscious about body odor, that doesn't give you an excuse to literally bathe in your cologne or aftershave. It's good that you're thinking about your scent, but having too much fragrance on your body can be just as revolting. Just get a few dabs of cologne on the insides of your wrists, then apply to your neck to have a faint, yet appealing scent that should meet most people's approval.

7. Trim your nails. 剪指甲

Long nails work for women, never for men. Men have a tendency to get their hands dirtier, and long finger nails means you are tracking dirt from almost everything you touch. Keep your nails trimmed regularly, and use a scrubber or loofa for cleaning underneath and around your finger nails.

8. If you have facial hair, take care of it. 如果你有络腮胡,处理好它

Nothing is wrong with growing a beard, even if it's longer than the average man's hair length. Facial hair can be used to enhance a man's look and facial features. Just don't forget that you need to take care of your facial hair the same way you would take care of the hair on your head. Always trim and wash your facial hair to prevent it from looking unsightly. And lastly, try to keep your food and drinks off of your facial hair.

9. Take your time while shaving. 慢慢刮胡子

It's amazing how most men can blast through a daily shaving. It's almost as if they don't realize they are handling a sharp blade that is scraping at their face. Shaving cuts just make you look ridiculous, so take your time when handling your razor. Properly coat your face with shaving cream, gel or soap, and slowly shave each section, shaving with the grain, not against it. Also invest in aftershave lotion to keep your skin smooth and moisturized.

10. Lotion is not just for women. 润肤露不只是女人专用

There are plenty of guys who are guilty of hands that feel like they were dipped in battery acid, flaky arms and ashy legs. Maybe it's because they think lotion is for the ladies only. However, lotion is important for guys too. If you're afraid of looking or smelling girly, just grab the unscented kind and apply it when no one is looking.