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  They range from the technological to the downright odorous. A study has revealed the top bugbears of office life, with slow computer systems and colleagues who bring in smelly food for lunch sitting high on the list. Colleagues who shout down the phone, or never offer to make tea and coffee also feature prominently as irritating aspects of a day at work。


  Tension: Office harmony can be threatened by a wide range of irritantsThe survey of 1,500 workers published yesterday added printer jams and unnecessary emails to the list of top irritants. Dion Smith, of Samsung UK, which carried out the survey, said: ‘It’s really interesting to see this “Can’t live with it, can’t live without it” approach to technological developments from office workers in the UK.’

  经调查如今,在我们的一生中,与同事相处的时间要远远多于和家人的相处时间,可见在职场中要保持好喝同事之间的和睦关系是多么重要。在一项针对1500名白领进行的调查中发现,他们抱怨声最大的一项还是“接收无意义的垃圾邮件”一事。有英国专家 Dion Smith表示:“这些职场陋习都是发生在我们身边,抬头不见低头见的常事,对这些鸡毛蒜皮的小事进行调查让我们发现了英国职场白领一定程度的生存状态,十分有意思。”

  Women CAN'T have it all: Two thirds of working mums would have to quit their jobs if they couldn't rely on help from family and friends He added: ‘It appears that all the fantastic benefits technology can bring to an office environment are being counteracted by its misuse.’ Office workers said they would like to see the development of an automatic paper jam fixer and self-filling toner cartridges。

  调查还显示,对于工作来说,对于女人而言,工作和家庭属于鱼和熊掌不可兼得的范例。有三分之二的母亲因要照顾家庭而不得不放弃工作,英国专家 Dion Smith还说:“办公室的那些事让白领人抓狂,有人希望全自动时代立马到来,比如说有卡纸机不再需要人工操作,还有碳粉墨盒能自动填满等等,但是,科技倘若愈来愈发达,人是变得越来越懒了。”