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神舟八号明晨发射 将与天宫一号上演"太空一吻"

2011-10-31来源:China Daily

CHINA's unmanned spacecraft Shenzhou-8 is scheduled to be launched at 5:58am tomorrow, the spokesperson for China's manned space program announced today.

Today fuel will be added to the Long March-2F rocket which will carry Shenzhou-8 into orbit. The spacecraft is expected to perform China's first space docking with Tiangong-1, or Heavenly Palace-1, a space lab that was launched in September, Xinhua news agency reported today.

The spacecraft will be launched from Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in northwest China's Gansu Province.

China's space program intensifies

China's space projects have entered a stage of high-intensity development and launching, an aerospace expert in Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center said on Sunday.

While preparation work for the launch of Shenzhou-8 is in its final stages, testing on another satellite is going on at the assembly and testing center, 1.5 kilometers away from the launch pad.

China launched 15 rockets to send 20 satellites into space in 2010, comparable numbers to the United States and Russia, historically the world's two most prolific launchers of spacecraft, according to Yuan Jiajun, deputy general manager of China Aerospace and Technology Corp.