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Tim Cook新政:没了乔布斯,苹果驶向何方?


Tim Cook has made only minor changes since he took over as permanent Apple CEO in August, reports the Wall Street Journal.
华尔街日报报道称,自8月Tim Cook接手苹果以来,苹果只发生了些微小的变化。

That's a relief -- Apple has had an incredible run of success over the last decade. The last thing a new leader needs to do is make changes just to leave his mark.

But he has some different opinions than Steve Jobs on some operational matters, and he has paid more attention to the company's corporate structure. For instance:

He's considering using some of Apple's more than $80 billion in cash to pay a dividend or buy back stock, two things that Jobs did not consider wise.

He put a program in place to match employee contributions to non-profits. Jobs was apparently opposed to giving Apple money to charities.

He sends more emails and addresses Apple as "Team."

He broke up Apple's education division into sales and marketing arms and put the sales group under marketing chief Phil Schiller.
Cook将用户研究部门拆分为市场和营销两个分支,并由市场总监Phil Schiller统一指挥两个部门。

He promoted Eddy Cue to senior vice president of cloud services, giving him control over iAds, as previously reported.
Eddy Cue被Cook提升为云服务的高级副总裁,由他管理苹果广告平台iAds。

Apart from that, the main changes have been in tone -- Cook is not a product visionary, as Jobs fretted to his biographer Walter Isaacson, and instead is focused on the bottom line.
而最大的变化则反应在战略基调上。根据Walter Isaacson为乔布斯写的传记中可以看出,乔布斯毫不客气地评价Cook,认为他不是一个拥有产品愿景的领导者。其实,Cook是务实派,更专注于对公司的打理。