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      There are a lot of things that make us happy, that make us smile. But what about all those little things those seemingly unimportant, often overlooked things that bring us a huge, disproportionate amount of joy?

1. Waking up on Sunday, thinking it's Monday and then realizing it's actually Sunday!

      Come on you know you've done it... doesn't that just make your whole entire Sunday? When that happens we pretty well prance around the house like we've somehow magically manufactured a day out of thin air. This makes for a pretty extra special end to the weekend.

2. Green lights all the way home.

      This one makes me feel like someone is looking down on me, smiling and saying "There you go, now you have a great day!". I love it when it feels like things just work.

3. A new notebook.

      I love getting a new note book. There is just something about cracking open a fresh, clean, crisp notebook. Couple this with a great pen and life really doesn't get much better!

4. When plans don't go according to plan.

      There are times when we make plans with friends or family to get together and then they fall through. It's not that we don't want to see these people but there is a disproportionate amount of joy associated with scoring some free time just for ourselves when it was unexpected.

5. A good bottle of wine.

      This is especially true after we've had a run of particularly bad ones. It's absolutely lovely to have a great bottle of red to break the trend.

      How about you? Is it the coin sorter at your bank? Receiving something in the mail that you've been waiting for? How about finding $20 in your jacket pocket, a full season later?  Please share with me the quirky little things that make you disproportionately happy, so I know I'm not alone.