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内向? 害羞? 帮你成为"社交达人"的12招


Let’s face it, fewer moments are more awkward than trying to strike up a casual conversation with someone you don’t know very well. Here are some quick tips to lighten up the situation:

1 Talk about who you know and what you have in common. Mutual friends, bosses, hometowns, etc.

2 Ask relevant questions about life, work, hobbies, and pop-culture. Keeping abreast of current events will provide you with great conversation builders. Lead with “What do you think of…?”, “Have you heard…?”, “What is your take on…?”, etc. Stay away from negative or controversial topics, and refrain from long-winded stories.

3 If you notice yourself getting bored with what you’re saying, stop talking, acknowledge the situation, and move on to the next topic.

4 Listen more than you talk.

5 With people you have never met before, limit stories to the last few moments of your life. Bring up casual points about your current surroundings, like the funny music playing in the background or the tasty martinis the bar is serving.