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幸福不遥远 细数你的小幸福 III


21. Taking the perfect picture.
21. 照了一张美美的照片。

22. An unexpected compliment from an unlikely someone.
22. 从一个从未想到的人口中听到了对自己的赞许。

23. Being next in line.
23. 排队下一个就轮到自己。

24. When you succeed in doing something someone said you were incapable of doing.
24. 别人说你做不成这件事的时候,偏偏你把这件事给做成了。

25. Wind blowing through your hair.
25. 风吹过头发的感觉。

26. The feeling you get when you’re just waking up when you’ve gotten enough sleep.
26. 睡醒之后发现自己睡饱了的感觉。

27. When the song on the radio ends right as you pull into the driveway.
27. 要进站的时候,电台里正好也播完了一首歌。

28. Seeing two elderly folks who are madly in love. It’s a sight of love that has surpassed the tests of time.
28. 看到一对深爱对方的老夫妇。他们让你觉得爱情可以通过时间的考验。

29. Finding something you made when you were a kid.
29. 偶然发现自己小时候的作品。

30. When you wake up before your alarm and you have enough time to go back to sleep for awhile.
30. 在闹钟响之前醒来,发现自己还可以再睡个回笼觉。

幸福不遥远 细数你的小幸福 II