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【Editor】It's getting towards the end of the year and a wide variety of reviews and analysis of 2011 have been released. Time magazine has made up to 54 categories, while not to be outdone, Los Angeles Times also published more than 20 catalogs. Not to mention the other medias. It seems that we have got a phobia, that the time would be just dreamed away without all these reviews and analysis. Top 5? Top 10? Top 100? So what?! Actually, all of them might just make no sense to us. However, here is a list of the top 7 notable deaths of 2011 for you. What we really wish is that everyone, by finishing reading this list, will have a deeper and clearer understanding on life and living. "All the world's a stage," as Shakespeare said, "and all the men and women merely players: they have their exits and their entrances."


Here comes the top 7 notable deaths of 2011:


Elizabeth Taylor (1932.02.27 — 2011.03.23)


As one of the world's most famous film stars, Elizabeth Taylor was recognized for her acting ability and for her glamorous lifestyle, beauty and distinctive violet eyes. The legendary star of stage and screen who won two Oscars, married multiple times, became a successful businesswoman and helped to pioneer the fight against AIDS, died of congestive heart failure. She was 79.
