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  Sometimes, this is due to time. People are too busy with work or kids to share small intimacies. And there may simply not be enough space in our crowded cities.


  Whatever the reason, Denise Mah, a writer on love relationships, thinks it's a bad sign "when your love partner stops holding your hand for no obvious reason...or stops putting an arm over your shoulder in public when he or she always did before. It is a sign that a breakup is imminent."


  Going hand-in-hand may not only be a sign of a sturdy relationship but may also have health benefits.


  Holding the hand of a loved one reduces pain during times of distress, according to a recent study by psychologists at the University of California.


  Another study by an American psychology professor, Julianne Holt-Lunstad, showed that support between couples reduces stress. One important way that people express this support, researchers say, is through" non-sexual, caring physical touch, such as hand-holding".

  美国心理学教授Julianne Holt-Lunstad的另一项调查发现,恋人间的支持能够减轻压力。研究人员称,人们表达支持的一个重要方式是“非性的饱含关怀的肢体接触,例如牵手”。

  Subtle shows of affection maybe increasingly rare in our frenzied world. However, if the statesmen can teach us anything perhaps it's that a little handholding wouldn't go amiss.
