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你信吗? 2012世界末日5个预兆



$8.5 billion ain't what it used to be

Back in June, it looked like Bank of America had a rare win on its hands: a proposed settlement with trustee Bank of New York to the tune of $8.5 billion, meant to restore the damage done by faulty mortgage-backed securities financed by BofA's Countrywide division. Come October, the settlement fell apart because investors (among many other vocal groups, too) didn't feel the figure was high enough. $8.5 billion, not enough money? Yikes. That's a scary indicator for banking in general, but also for BofA considering it is more than the institution made in the last four years combined. The collapsed deal is another low-point in a rough year for the bank and CEO Brian Moynihan. At least he axed those $5 debit card fees.


2011年6月,美国银行(Bank of America)眼看就要取得一场罕见的胜利:它计划以大约85亿美元的资金,与受托人美国纽约银行(Bank of New York)达成和解,旨在挽回由美国银行子公司Countrywide提供资金的不良抵押证券所造成的损失。然而到10月份,因为投资人(以及其他众多意见团体)认为85亿美元不足以解决问题,导致和解最终破裂。难道85亿美元还不够多吗?没错!总的看来,85亿美元对银行业来说是一个惊人的数字,而考虑到85亿美元超过了美国银行过去四年盈利的总和,这一数字着实令人吃惊。美国银行和CEO布赖恩·莫伊尼汉2011年流年不利,而这次和解破裂则意味着又一低谷,但至少布赖恩还是做出了取消5美元借记卡费用的决定。