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2012-01-22来源:timemangement ninja
Do these sound familiar? Why haven’t you accomplished them? After all, you said you were going to do them last year. How about this year?

Make Your Goals… And Keep Them.

This year, let’s make them stick. Here are 5 tips to help you when setting your goals:

Pick a Handful of Goals – When I say pick a handful of goals, I mean this literally. You have five fingers, pick 5 goals. You can keep track of them on one hand. I see people whose resolution list is well over a dozen resolutions. This is simply too much. These people tend to be unsuccessful at all of their resolutions. Be successful in your most important goals and the rest will follow.

Write them Down – Post your goals where you can see them. When I was started TMN several year ago, I posted papers all over the dining room wall. Every day I had to look at those papers and they reminded and drove me towards my goals. Some people like to put them on their bathroom mirror.

Do Them Daily - When you are trying to make big things happen, you have to work on them every day. Yes, every day. When you start to think that you will put it off, or do it another day… that is when you start to slip. That is when you start to let go. Don’t let this happen to you. Daily discipline is how great things are done.

Be Willing To Pay the Price – You will have to sacrifice. Every goal has a price. If your goal is to write a book, you might need to turn off the TV at night. If you want to get in shape, you may need to get up early and go to the gym before work. If it helps, think of this as the “price of admission” to your goals.

Tell People You Trust – By this, I mean tell those people who will impact your path to your goals. Telling your office workers may seem like a feel good tactic, but will they be there to help you take that class late at night? Or help with the kids when you workout? We avoid telling those closest to us, because we don’t want to be vulnerable. However, it is your spouse, family, and closest friends that can support you along way to success.