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Looking good, smell good, and feel good. Herbs are components of skin creams, aromatherapy, and in the perfume we use. Many over the counter products add various herbs to their products. Recipes are available if you want to make your own shampoo and skin creams. In any event, when all is said and done, the use of herbs can be a fantastic step towards making you feel better and feel better about yourself. For centuries, people have used herbs to enhance the looks as well as to enhance their health and well being.


Through this informational blog you are provided with an overview of some important herbs that can be helpful to you in improving your appearance and making you feel better about yourself on many different levels.


Chamomile is good for soothing skin and irritated scalps; this herb is often recommended for people with sensitive skin.


Comfrey is added to lotion because it guards against dryness and helps prevent wrinkles because it encourages skin cell regeneration. It is not an herb you want to take internally however.


Do you consider the lowly dandelion as nothing more than a weed? Think again — it makes a dandy astringent.
