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China's appetite for an obscure fungus found on caterpillars and foraged in remote regions of Tibet, Nepal and Bhutan has pushed prices to levels usually reserved for precious metals. But the competition for retrieving them can sometimes prove fatal.


Traditional herbalists believe the yarchagumba fungus boosts sexual performance and can cure other ailments as well. It is typically boiled in water to make a tea, ground into a powder and then sprinkled on food, or added whole to soups or stews.


Some Chinese like to incorporate it into their Chinese New Year's feasts as well. Earlier this week, Australian customs authorities intercepted a bounty of food as Chinese tourists on charter flights to the country tried to bring more than 60 pounds of fresh fruit, pig's trotters, chicken feet and yarchagumba.


The fungus is among several unusual commodities and collectibles whose prices are climbing as Chinese investors speculate in nontraditional markets.


Does ingesting caterpillar fungus really provide the boost that so many seek? There hasn't been any definitive research conducted by Western scientists. But because its value is already somewhere between silver and gold, it is likely to inspire more spats in the future.
