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The third human type, the fantasist, lives inside his imagination. Fantasists have little desire to impose themselves on the world. A fantasist might spend years writing a short story, then discard it. Fantasists are never efficient and always miss deadlines. They are suckers for new age fads such as crystals. They do create a lot of art, which strivers buy. Fantasist drugs of choice stimulate fantasy: marijuana or ecstasy. When people are presented with the three human archetypes, most claim to be fantasists.


In truth, real people are usually a mix of the three archetypes. For instance, successful artists such as Steven Spielberg or Damien Hirst are generally striver-fantasists. However, most people tend towards one particular type: for instance, someone might be slacker-dominant, with fantasist streaks.

实际上,真实的人通常是三者的结合。例如,像史蒂文•斯皮尔伯格(Steven Spielberg)和达米安•赫斯特(Damien Hirst)这样的成功艺术家,通常是拼搏型幻想家。不过,大部分人都偏向一种类型,比如,一个人可能主要是游手好闲者,同时具有一些幻想者的特点。

Naturally the three types irritate each other. A fantasist friend once told me an idea he had for a book. Being a striver, I began to strategise about finding a publisher. The more I talked, the less enthusiastic my friend became. Eventually, he changed the subject. He never intended to write the book. He just liked imagining it.


We strivers are even more at odds with slackers. Our force fields clash with theirs: our very presence makes them stressed, as if we were human deadlines. You see this clash in politics, where striver rulers are always exhorting slacker populations to pull their socks up: in Nicolas Sarkozy's formulation: "Work harder to earn more." Rulers hate the notion that someone somewhere might be slacking. Soviet leaders were forever promoting brick-laying contests or rationing vodka, unaware that they were fighting human nature. But slackers rarely revolt against striver rule. Instead, they dream up conspiracy theories.

我们拼搏者与游手好闲者要更加格格不入。我们与他们气场不合:我们的存在使他们感到压力,仿佛我们就是人性的终结者。你可以在政治中看到这种冲突,拼搏型统治者总是在劝诫游手好闲型的民众更加努力地工作,用尼古拉•萨科齐(Nicolas Sarkozy)的话说就是,“更努力地工作,赚更多的钱”。一想到有某人在某处游手好闲,统治者就会不高兴。苏联领导人从来都在提倡砌砖比赛或定量配给伏特加,而对自己是在与人性为敌毫无知觉。但游手好闲者很少会反抗拼搏者的统治。相反,他们会幻想阴谋论。

No wonder the three archetypes have tended to segregate themselves. In big cities, strivers gravitate to financial districts, whereas fantasists establish enclaves such as Greenwich Village in 1950s New York or Belleville in today's Paris. When strivers discover these enclaves and drive up prices, fantasists create more distant enclaves. Slackers generally avoid big cities, often preferring the parental home, writes Richards.

无怪乎这三类人会倾向于互相隔离。在大城市中,拼搏者向金融区聚集,幻想者则建立起像20世纪50年代纽约的格林威治村(Greenwich Village)和当今巴黎贝尔维尔(Belleville)这样的小天地。当拼搏者发现这些小天地,并推高物价后,幻想者就会在更偏远的地方建立小天地。理查兹写道,游手好闲者通常会避开大城市,更偏爱父母的家乡。

In the US, with its great geographic mobility, the separation of the three types was always marked. Strivers headed for Manhattan and Washington, whereas slackers preferred places such as Miami. You sense each city's dominant mode the minute you arrive: at JFK airport in New York, the lady running the cab rank bellows, "Move it along, people! You, sir, take this cab." She's on her way up. At Miami airport, you can't even find cabs.

在美国,由于地理上的巨大流动性,这三类人的分离一直十分明显。拼搏者向曼哈顿和华盛顿聚集,游手好闲者则偏爱迈阿密这样的地方。抵达每座城市的第一分钟,你就能感觉出它的主导类型:在纽约肯尼迪机场(JFK airport),管理出租车站的女士喊着,“排队向前走,大家!你,先生,上这辆车”。她在她的拼搏路上。在迈阿密机场,你甚至找不到出租车。

However, segregation of the three human types is now proceeding faster than ever before. Rising house prices and growing inequality are driving non-strivers out of big cities, and even out of previously fantasist coastal towns such as Cape Town and San Francisco. Slackers and fantasists must be upset, but unless you read blogs their voices go unheard, and they certainly won't do anything about it.

