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users must register with their real identities will probably delay the company's revenue-generating plan until the second half of this year.


"That will create a lot of negative sentiment with investors," says Alicia Yap, an analyst at Barclays Capital. "The post-New Year rally will not be sustainable."

“这将在投资者当中产生非常大的负面情绪,”巴克莱资本(Barclay Capital)分析师埃利西亚•雅普(Alicia Yap)表示。“新年后新浪股价的涨势将无法持续下去。” 

Such concerns were reinforced this week, when government officials said that Weibo users who failed to register under their real names by March 16 would no longer be allowed to post messages. Local media have reported that only 3m new users have registered on Sina Weibo over the past month – down from about 20m in earlier months.


The company's share price already reflects some of these concerns. Following a series of government moves towards tighter censorship of social media, and falling profitability because of the soaring cost of marketing Weibo, Sina shares have lost 54 per cent since their peak of $142.83 on April 19 last year.


Sina has not been idle, though. "The company has been working hard to lay the ground for monetisation, and it is moving closer," says Dong Xu, a social media expert at Analysys International, an internet research company in Beijing. That includes hiring engineers to strengthen its skills in developing applications and to adjust its platform to new needs.

不过,新浪未曾懈怠。“新浪一直在努力为微博商业化打基础,现在离目标更近了,”北京互联网调研公司易观国际(Analysys International)的社交媒体专家董旭表示。新浪的努力包括招募工程技术人员来加强应用开发方面的技能,以及调整其平台以满足新的需求。

Unlike Tencent, China's largest internet company by revenues and Sina's main rival in the social space, Sina is essentially a media company. Advertising accounted for 77 per cent of its 2011 revenues of $484m, Morgan Stanley estimates.

与中国营收最高的互联网公司、新浪在社交媒体领域的主要对手腾讯(Tecent)有所不同,新浪在本质上是一家媒体公司。据摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley)估计,新浪2011年营业收入为4.84亿美元,其中广告收入占到77%。

Investors hope the company can build a business beyond advertising, similar to Facebook, which last week filed for its long-awaited stock market debut to raise $5bn. Such a model would resemble Tencent, whose broad spread of revenue streams has made it much less vulnerable to cyclical swings when advertising falls.
