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常见礼仪十大错误 你犯了哪条?


No.4 Talking solely about yourself

Narcissism is not an attractive quality. Yes, there are some guys who can pull off being arrogant and self-absorbed, but this does not give you license to imitate them. Accidentally dominating conversations without intending to come off as self-involved is really no better because the end result is the same. Resist the urge to respond to every sentence with some version of: "Yeah, and here's how that applies to me!" Just shut up for 60 seconds and hear the words people are saying. Then, to top it all off, ask a perceptive question. This is what makes people feel like you care about anyone other than yourself.
自恋可不是个受人欢迎的特质。诚然,的确有些傲慢自大的家伙们混得不错,但这不代表你应该模仿他们。聊天过程中时不时把话题往自己身上引,无论此举是否出自有意,都不会带来正面影响。每当你想说:“对!我也是!” 的时候,忍住!坚持60秒不出声,听听别人怎么讲。然后再偶尔适当地发表几句有深度的言论,相信我,这样一来,人们都会爱你到不行。