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The file also reveals that Jobs received top secret security clearance from the Department of Defense for work he was doing in connection with Pixar. The clearance was effective between November 1988 and July 1990. It's unclear why Jobs was given the clearance.


The question of whether Mr. Jobs, who had admitted to drug use in his youth, still used drugs while at Apple comes up frequently in the file. It appears nearly everyone interviewed believed he no longer used drugs.


An interview subject from International Business Machines said that he never "witnessed any illegal drug usage or alcohol abuse by the appointee" and said Mr. Jobs "seemingly lives within his financial means and he never witnessed any examples of an extravagant lifestyle having been practiced by Jobs.

一位来自国际商业机器公司(International Business Machines,简称:IBM)的受访者说,他从未看到乔布斯有过任何非法使用毒品或酗酒行为。这位受访者还说,乔布斯的生活似乎从未超出财力所限,他也从未见到乔布斯挥霍无度的情形。

An unnamed female source said Mr. Jobs "drank only a little wine and did not use any kind of illegal drugs." However, "in the late 1960s and early 1970s, Mr. Jobs may have experimented with illegal drugs, having come from that generation," the report says.


Other aspects of the Steve Jobs narrative are referenced in the file, including his pilgrimage to India and his resulting interest in Eastern religion. One person whose name is redacted says that Mr. Jobs "had undergone a change in philosophy by participating in eastern and/or Indian mysticism and religion. This change apparently influenced the Appointee's personal life for the better."


The person suggests that Mr. Jobs'apathy toward money and material possessions were manifest in the early 1990s when the investigation was conducted. Mr. Jobs lived a "spartanlike and at times even monastic existence," the person told investigators.
