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Apple’s recent iPad trademark dispute has caused concerns among international companies over the legitimacy of their own trademarks in China market. Social network giant Facebook has reportedly started registering relevant trademarks in China, yet found that some of these names, such as the Chinese translation of “Facebook”, have already been registered by domestic users.

Chinese intellectual property consultancy East IP says it has found myriad variations on the “Facebook” name, in English and Chinese, since being hired by Facebook to handle its trademark issues in China. The company was “collecting evidence”, adding that it was hoping to “reclaim these trademarks based on Facebook’s popularity and social awareness.”According to the Trademark Office of China, the social networking giant has already filing 61 trademark applications on the Facebook name since 2006, covering both English and Chinese translations.
中国的知识产权咨询公司East IP表示从他们正式受雇于facebook公司来处理facebook在国内的商标问题开始,他们已经发现了很多facebook名字的变种在国内出现,无论是中国名字还是英文名字。该公司正在进一步收集证据,寄希望于可以借由facebook在国际上的知名度和社会认可程度来重新收回商标。根据中国商标官方的消息,facebook在国内从2006年开始就大量的注册了商标使用权,总数达到了61个,涵盖了无论是英文还是中文的翻译

Lawyers said trademark squatting was a problem in China, aided by agencies and domestic users who register hundreds of trademarks in the hope of turning a profit. These people who are out there snatching up intellectual property with no related interest, strictly from the standpoint of owning it as an investment. Look like the social networking titan doesn’t want to face trademark woes when they can success entering China market. The company, which is preparing for a $5 billion initial public offering, said recently it was contemplating re-entering China, after being blocked nearly three years ago.