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That said, many of us don't even know how to access our feelings in a given moment.  Try asking yourself what you are feeling right this minute.  Of what are you immediately aware? Is it a thought that appears first, or an emotion.  Thoughts will often describe an event instead of a feeling, or they will start off with "I think" or they will use the word that as in "I feel that...".  There is no that in a feeling.  A that will be followed by an explanation of why you feel what you feel, but will not state the feeling itself.   A feeling will be simply described by its name:  "I feel angry," "I feel sad," "I feel mildly irritated."  If you find it difficult to get to a feeling you may have to try some other tricks to sort of jog your feelings loose in order to grab hold of them.  You might try writing poetry or doing art work just allowing it to flow from you without edit or revision and then go back and look at the picture or read what you've written and ask yourself to find the feeling trying to be expressed.  If you are still having trouble getting to a feeling, you might want to try working with a therapist on this.

问题是,很多人并不知道如何在特定的时刻抓住自己的感觉。那么,试着问问自己:“这一刻你在想什么?” 这时,即刻出现在你脑子里的是什么,一个想法还是一种情绪?想法一般代表一个事件而不是感觉,它们会以 “我认为……” 或者 “我觉得……” 来表述自己。情绪则没有类似的表述,它们不会阐明自己,而是让你意识到它们出现的原因。情绪通常以简单直接的方式来描述,比如 “我很生气,” “我很难过,” “我有些恼火。” 如果你觉得这很难,你可以尝试用放松的方式来唤起你的感觉,随着心情写诗,或者画画,然后看看自己完成的作品,试着从中读出自己的感觉。如果这些都行不通,你还可以寻求心理医师的帮助。

Once you get to a feeling you might want to try to start a dialogue with the feeling, so that it can tell you what it came to tell you.  Our feelings are telling us something about ourselves and our lives.  They are not telling us about someone else or someone else's life.  Are you feeling resentful of a coworker, because you end up having to do his job-but also because you hate the job and end up having to do more of it because he's not doing his job.  What does that feeling tell you?  Does it tell you that you must be a "bad" person in some kind of way because you have these "negative" feelings?  If so, you are still using external stratagems to define yourself.  If you step beyond that, what does your feeling tell you about your life?  Could it possibly be telling you something like "Go get a new job that you love?"


Is there someone inside of us who can direct us from something deeper and more real than mere morality?  What if loving all of life, really loving all of life unconditionally-really unconditionally-were the guiding light?  What if loving life unconditionally means accepting what we have as it is without judging or interpreting it to be  unacceptable.  This doesn't mean we don't change our lives once we have accepted what is.  It means that our acceptance of life as it is allows us to change our lives according to who we actually are, rather than according to some external and internalized code.


Loving life unconditionally means that whatever we are feeling about a given scenario in our lives tells much more about ourselves than it does about the given scenario.  This means all of our work on acceptance is an inside job, and it further means that the more internal we go, the more of the external we can receive.  This makes life bigger and rounder.  And it allows to live with at least a modicum of peace.  So, who are you without your morals?
