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剑桥大学生卖脸做广告 155天狂赚31万

2012-03-07来源:the sun news

Two graduates are selling their faces to advertisers in a bid to pay off almost £50,000 in student debts.

Ed Moyse and Ross Harper, both 22, paint company logos and slogans on their skin for a day, meaning anyone who passes them will the ad.

剑桥大学生卖脸做广告 155天狂赚31万

Firms taking up the service on buymyface.co.uk so far have included Ernst and Young, Pipers Crisp and online fundraiser Mashbo.
目前通过”买我的脸”的网站页面与他们建立合作关系的企业有:安永会计事务所,Pipers Crisp食品公司和网上融资机构Mashbo。

The pair, who went to Cambridge University, have been running their scheme for 155 days out of a total planned 366 — and they have raised just over £31,000.

Originally one advertising day cost £1 — but by now the boys are in such demand prices have gone up to £400 and rising.

Moyse and Harper said: "It's our unconventional way of paying off our student debt.

"We've seen so many unsuccessfully applying for jobs, only to eventually settle in a career that they never really wanted. It's just something a bit different and has taken off quite nicely."