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I Have A Dream


Suddenly, one of the kids noticed me eavesdropping and smiling.  He sat up, looked at me and said, “What?  Do you disagree?”  Then as he waited for a response, the other three kids turned around too.Rather than arguing with them, I took an old receipt out of my wallet, ripped it into four pieces, and wrote a different word on each piece.  Then I crumbled the pieces into little paper balls and handed a different piece to each one of them.“Look at the word on the paper I just gave you and don’t show it to anyone else.”  The kids looked at the single word I had handed each of them and appeared confused.  “You have two choices,” I told them.  “If your word inspired you to make a difference in this world, then hold onto it.  If not, give it back to me so I can recycle the paper.”  They all returned their words.I scooted over, sat down on the sand next to their beach blanket and laid out the four words that the students had returned to me so that the words combined to form the simple sentence, “I have a dream.”“Dude, that’s Martin Luther King Jr.,” one of the kids said.“How did you know that?” I asked.“Everyone knows Martin Luther King Jr.” the kid snarled.  “He has his own national holiday, and we all had to memorize his speech in school a few years ago.”“Why do you think your teachers had you memorize his speech?” I asked“I don’t really care!” the kid replied.  His three friends shook their heads in agreement.  “What does this have to do with us and our situation?”“Your teachers asked you to memorize those words, just like thousands of teachers around the world have asked students to memorize those words, because they have inspired millions of repressed people to dream of a better world and take action to make their dreams come true.  Do you see where I’m going with this?”“Man, I know exactly what you’re trying to do and it’s not going to work, alright?” the fourth kid said, who hadn’t spoken a word until now.  “We’re not going to get all inspired and emotional about something some dude said thirty years ago.  Our world is different now.  And it’s more screwed up than any us can even begin to imagine, and there’s little you or I can do about it.  We’re too small, we’re nobody.”












       第四个孩子说道。他之前一直没有做声。“ 30年前某个家伙说的话对我们一点启发和影响都没有。我们的世界现在大不相同了。这个世界比我们想象的还要一团糟,而你或者我都无可奈何。我们太渺小了,什么也不是。”