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1. Remember: The interview is meant to determine if you're a good fit for the company. 1. 谨记:面试要看的是你是否适合该公司。

The first thing you need to do before the actual interview is figure out why you want it. 首先,在面试前需要做的是,你要问问自己为什么需要这份工作。

In preparation for the interview, Goldman Sachs suggests you answer these questions: 对于这些面试,高盛集团建议你准备回答以下问题:

(1)Which experiences and skills make you perfect for the job? (1)你有能让你工作得更好的能力和经验吗?

(2)What are your strengths and weaknesses? (2)你的优势和劣势是?

(3)Do you have the necessary skills and commitment? (3)你有必需的工作技能和责任感吗?

(4)How do you know you want this job? (4)你怎么知道自己需要这份工作?

2. Make a really good first impression. 2. 创造良好的第一印象

Arrive to the interview site early and plan your route ahead of time. 提前到达面试地点,并提前计划好路线。

Goldman Sachs also suggests allowing yourself 20-30 minutes for final interview prep so you can practice your key talking points. 高盛建议,在最终的面试前,你会有20-30分钟准备时间,因此,你可以利用这些时间对你的卖点进行会话练习。

3. Take names of people you meet. 3. 记下面试官的名字

The bank also says it's important to memorize names, especially the names of your interviewer(s) when it comes to making a good first impression. 银行业也表示,记住别人的名字是很重要的,特别要记得面试官的名字,这可以产生良好的第一印象。