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白色情人节:5个信号告诉你 恋爱ing

3. Your playlist = romantic songs

Our playlist suggests a lot about our personality. It does not simply mirror our taste in music, but it reflects our current state of mind as well. So if your playlist is full of love songs, then it is one major sign of you being in love.

4. You want to spend ALL your time with her

If you are going through a phase of wanting to meet and spend time with only one person, then you are bitten by the love bug. People in love often don’t feel like meeting friends/family. They simply want to spend all their time with the person they love. If you are going through something similar, it does not mean you are some crazy obsessive person, but it means that you want to get to know her better and be around her all the time. So if you find yourself making plans with her and only her every weekend, then you are in love.

5. You’re willing to better yourself for her

For very few people in this world we are willing to change or better ourselves. The obvious entries in this list of people are close family members and a friend or two. If you find a girl (who is not just your best friend) in this list then you know you are in love. If you want to better yourself, be the best human you can possibly be for one girl then you are definitely in love with her.

Are you showing all or a majority of these signs? If yes, you are in love!