A new Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) research report, commissioned by Citi, reveals that New York ranks first in competitiveness, out of 120 of the world’s major cities. Released today, the report, entitled Hot Spots, ranks the most competitive cities in the world for their demonstrated ability to attract capital, business, talent and tourists.
“Economic dynamism is definitely rising everywhere, especially in Asian cities, but U.S. and European cities have legacy advantages that give them a strong competitive edge,” said Leo Abruzzese, the EIU’s global forecasting director. “In particular, these developed cities are better at attracting top talent from across the world.”
EIU的全球预测部主管Leo Abruzzese表示:“全球各地的经济动力都呈现明显的上升态势,亚洲的城市经济活力旺盛,但美国与欧洲城市有传统上的优势,有助于提升他们的竞争力,特别是这些城市可以吸引全球顶尖的人才。”
With a combined population of about 750 million, the 120 cities ranked in Hot Spots represent approximately 29 percent of the global economy and generated a combined GDP of US$20.24 trillion in 2011.

According to the report, the ten most competitive cities in the world are:
New York 纽约
London 伦敦
Singapore 新加坡
Paris and Hongkong 巴黎和香港(并列)
Tokyo 东京
Zurich 苏黎世
Washington, DC 华盛顿
Chicago 芝加哥
Boston 波士顿
The Global City Competitiveness Index
The EIU developed a “Global City Competitiveness Index” that measures cities across eight distinct categories of competitiveness and 31 individual indicators. Categories include economic strength, human capital, institutional effectiveness, financial maturity, global appeal, physical capital, social and cultural character and environment and natural hazards.
Asia’s economic rise is reflected in the economic competitiveness of its cities:
In terms of “economic strength,” the most highly weighted category, 15 of the top 20 cities are in Asia. Twelve are in China. Tianjin, Shenzhen and Dalian top the list, while nine other Chinese cities rank in the top 20. The top 32 Asian cities are all forecast to grow by at least 5% annually between now and 2016. Twelve of them will grow by at least 10%.
在最受重视的经济竞争力方面,排名前20的城市中有15个城市来自亚洲,其中又有12个来自中国大陆,天津、深圳与大连占领前3席,其他九个中国城市也位列前20名中。 预计排名前32的亚洲城市在2012年至2016年间,每年的经济增长率至少达5%,其中12个城市的经济增长率至少有10%。
A “middle tier” of mid-size cities is emerging as a key driver of global growth:
Although most companies target a combination of advanced economies and emerging market megacities, the fastest overall growth is found in a middle tier of mid-sized cities with populations of 2m-5m such as Abu Dhabi, Lima, Bandung, Dalian, Hangzhou, Hanoi, Pune, Qingdao and Surabaya. In fact, just nine of the 23 megacities (with populations over 10 million) ranked in the top 30 on economic strength. These mid-size cities are collectively forecast to grow by 8.7% annually over the next five years, ahead of the megacities on which many firms focus.