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These complementary ventures formed a network, with Taobao at the centre surrounded by interlinked companies. All cross-sold and cross-marketed each other's services and offered packaged deals to Taobao sellers.

As this "ecosystem" developed it attracted other businesses to use Taobao, Alipay, Alisoft and Alimama's platforms to provide further customised services to Taobao sellers.

The extent and reach of the ecosystem became too hard for rivals to replicate.

By 2010 Taobao served more than 80 per cent of China's e-commerce market, with 170m registered users and revenues of more than Rmb20bn from online advertising and fee-paying services such as shop design and sales training.

Meanwhile, Ebay moved its business focus to cross-border e-commerce, where Chinese consumers sell to overseas consumers. It holds a leading position in that segment.

Key lessons. How Taobao kept Ebay out of the market and became China's dominant e-commerce platform in a relatively short space of time holds lessons for Chinese and western companies alike.

First, Taobao provided services and solved problems for the smaller businesses that are the driving force behind China's economic boom. For instance, Alipay enabled people to pay for goods and services easily.

Second, Taobao set up or integrated services that complemented each other and used this ecosystem to create a bar to competition.

Third, Taobao identified how to help people buy and sell. By making online shopping easy, safe and fun it helped many first-time online buyers build confidence in e-commerce.

Mark Greeven, Shengyun Yang, Tao Yue, Eric van Heck and Barbara Krug
本文作者马克·格雷芬(Mark Greeven)、杨盛赟、岳韬、埃里克·范埃克(Eric van Heck)和芭芭拉·克鲁格(Barbara Krug)是伊拉斯谟大学(Erasmus University)鹿特丹管理学院(Rotterdam School of Management)的教师

The writers are faculty members at the Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University