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做好时间管理 告别拖拉懒散




Publicise your deadline

A powerful anti-procrastination tip is to put yourself on record.

When you're working on a project, look at the person you're doing the task for and say to them: 'You will have this information by 4pm on Thursday.'

As you do that, you're instantly setting yourself a deadline that makes you think: 'I've got to get this done!'

Most people would say: 'I'll get that to you as soon as possible.'

That could mean next week. But it works much better if you set yourself a specific deadline and announce it publicly.

Tackle the most important stuff first

Always do the most important task first, rather than the most urgent or hardest. Some things seem urgent, such as a ringing phone or an email alert. But you don't know if they're urgent until you've opened the email or answered the phone. These shouldn't even be on your radar.

Instead, respond to emails only two or three times a day. And if the phone rings and you're busy, delegate someone else in the office to answer it.

Repeat 'do it now' like a crazy person

When it comes to housework and other chores, we know what we have to do, but it's always much easier once we get started. Who wants to do the ironing or clean the loo? Not many of us. So how do you inspire yourself to do these tasks?

It all about having an affirmation. Try repeating the words, 'Do It Now! Do It Now!' out loud.

Yes, you may feel like a bit of a prat, but there's something about saying these words verbally that makes you take action, even if it's putting away socks. Only do this when no one else is around!

Set rewards for yourself

Create a reward system for yourself. Procrastinators will say: 'I'm working from home today so I can get that report sorted. But first I'll have a cup of tea.'

As the kettle's boiling, they'll switch on daytime TV. The next thing they know, they've watched an hour of This Morning.

Then they switch on the computer, have a 'quick look' at Facebook and suddenly another hour's gone.

Instead, give yourself a reward, but only after achieving a pre-ordained amount of work, such as writing 500 words.

Even simple things such as a cup of tea, a digestive biscuit or a magazine can be used as rewards, and you'll appreciate them more.