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学习成绩差 12岁印度女孩被父亲逼迫上街乞讨

2012-04-01来源:The telegraph

A 12-year-old girl was forced to beg on the streets of an Indian city by her middle-class father as punishment for poor school grades.

Police arrested Prakash, who uses only one name, in Mysore, under the Juvenile Act. "I just wanted her to realise how tough life is without proper education" he said.

Released on bail, he told the police that he had not physically punished her for not doing well in school but merely wanted to teach her a lesson.

The shocking incident came to light after passersby on a busy Mysore street asked the well groomed schoolgirl why she was begging.

She pointed to her father sitting in a nearby car watching her, upon which an angry crowd forced him out and herded him to a nearby police station where he confessed.

The incident highlights the intense stress Indian school and college students work under to obtain good grades.

A study by The Week magazine some years ago estimated that around 4,000 Indian students commit suicide each year, but scores of such cases go unreported. Pressure also intensifies as many are from poorer sections of society with limited access to the few opportunities that existed across the country.

Meanwhile, in a related occurrence a teenager working as a domestic servant in an affluent New Delhi neighbourhood was rescued on Thursday, three days after being locked in by her employers who left for Thailand on holiday.

Police rescued the 13-year old after being alerted by neighbours who heard the girl crying and screaming for help for hours on end. She was without food and claimed to having not been paid her salary for over three months.

India banned children under the age of 13 from working as domestic servants, but this veto is practised more in abeyance. According to UNICEF India had over 35 million child labourers, many of who worked in people's homes in cities.