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6. Only Buy Things You Can Return 只买享有无条件退货政策的商品


If you really have a problem with impulse purchases, at the very least, buy from stores with good return policies. 如果你真的有冲动消费的毛病,那最后一个办法就是,去那些有无条件退货政策的店里买。


7. Remember to Not Be Fooled by Sales 别一看到大减价就hold不住了


Sales with huge markdowns can make impulse purchases very tempting. For years, half my shoe collection was made up of shoes I only sort of liked, but had found on sale. Remember, if you see a product on sale, you will always save more money if you don't buy it at all. 大减价的活动很容易造成冲动消费。我在大减价时买的那些鞋子,几乎占了我全部鞋子的一半。我是有一点点喜欢它们的,可其实还是因为它们在减价,所以才买下了它们。如果你再看到有商品正在促销的话,记住,不买总是最省钱的。


8. Keep a List of Things You Really Want or Need 列一张购物清单


That way, if you do see them on sale, you can buy them with confidence. 这样的话,如果你正碰上它们大减价你就能果断买下了。


9. Don't Give Yourself Access to Your Money 别给自己太多钱


Whether it's leaving your credit cards at home or only carrying a certain amount of cash, you can't make impulse purchases if you don't have the money to do so. 不论你采取什么方式,把信用卡留在家里或是带一小部分的现金在身上都可以。你要是没钱那当然不能再冲动消费啦。