Originally as most people's servant, the smart phone has become the master, the Economist reported。
Right now everybody is on call all the time. Work invades the home far more than domestic chores invade the office. Otherwise-sane people check their smart phones obsessively, even during pre-dinner drinks, and send e-mails first thing in the morning and last thing at night。
Hyper connectivity exaggerates some of the most destabilizing trends in the modern workplace: the decline of certainty, the rise of global supply chains and the general cult of flexibility. Smart phones make it easier for managers to change their minds at the last moment。
One solution to the addiction is digital dieting. Banning browsing before breakfast can reintroduce a modicum of civilization. Banning texting at weekends or, say, on Thursdays, can really show the iPhone who is boss。
But ultimately it is up to companies to outsmart the smart phone by insisting that everyone turn them off from time to time。