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2012-04-20来源:Business Insider

Mental and physical health both have huge impacts on happiness

"Happiness depends crucially on personality, and personality is strongly affected by your genetic make-up." One important way in which in genes operate is through mental health.
“幸福感极其依赖于性格,而性格又受遗传基因性格影响颇深。” 心理健康是实现基因运转最重要的一种方式。

Those who are mentally ill as adolescents are more likely to experience low earnings, unemployment, criminal records, teenage pregnancy, physical illness and poor educational performance than others in the population.

Panel data allows comparisons of the life-satisfaction of the same individuals before and after they become disabled. The impact effect of severe disability is estimated as being 0.6 points on the one to seven life satisfaction scale, and that of moderate disability as 0.4 points.

Adaptation to disability also impacts life-satisfaction, and someone who has been disabled for all of the past three years is less affected than someone who is recently disabled.