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  Good with girls


  It is a known fact that bad guys know how to score with girls. It is one of the reasons why they are tagged as bad guys in the first place! Such a group knows how to woo a woman and make her feel special. They can talk to her and when they feel like it, also talk back to her, giving the girls an opportunity to be aggressive as well. Good guys avoid conflict at all costs, leaving girls with no window to vent their frustration。


  It's biological


  Blame it on your forefathers, but the fact is that women are wired to seek out the most adventurous guy in any group. It goes back to survival of the fittest and other procreational jazz, but the short story is that, a woman will always prefer a man who is seen as taking initiative (with variable risk) over a steady guy waiting for something to happen to his life. Accept it: the only way of scoring with girls is to join this breed of bad boys and strike rich. Like it is said, if you can't beat them, join them。


  In spite of all these points, it doesn't mean that girls don't like good guys at all. There are women who love the company of good guys and would pick them over the 'bad boys' any given day。
