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聪明而刻薄的自嘲 解读中国“屌丝”文化

  ‘Diaosi’ culture reflects social changes


  According to Zhu Chongke, a professor in the School ofAsia-Pacific Studies at Sun Yat-sen University in Guangzhou, thepopularity of the word diaosi stems from the fact that it wascreated by common people and thus resonates with a hugepopulation。


  “Labeling yourself a diaosi offers an outlet for people tomock themselves and relieve pressure, hence it spread quickly,” Zhutold Xinhua News Agency。


  “The attitude is basically: ‘I already have little to lose, sowhy don’t I mock myself for fun?’。”


  The diaosi phenomenon reflects not just a youth cultureproblem, but larger social issues。


  “Society hasn’t offered an effective channel for young peoplewho don’t have an influential family background to receivepromotion at work,” Zhu said。


  Ke Qianting is an associate professor in gender studies atTsinghua University。


  “The pressure of marriage intensifies anxiety among thisgroup,” Ke told Sohu.com。


  “Many of those young men claim to be diaosi, since they can’tfind a proper woman to marry. It reflects a deep sense ofloss。”
