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4. “There’s something you do that I find adorable.”

When you notice—and love—something about your partner that isn’t obvious to world, it tells them you’re interested enough in them to pay attention to the small things. It also confirms the intimate nature of your relationship. Be aware of the cute, charming things they do that you find irresistible. Then tell them what you admire!

5. “That looks good on you.”

This is not a revelation, but how many of us forget to acknowledge our loved ones when they are looking good? It is well understood that women appreciate positive feedback about their appearance—but so do men. He wants to look good … and often works hard to get there. How nice to be told sometimes that it’s working.

6. “You know what? You are right.”

The ability to admit when we are wrong, and give credit to your partner when they are right, is BIG! It’s not easy to put our ego’s aside, but it’s important to be able to do so, because a relationship is not about winning.

7. “I really like your friends (or kids or family members).”

Most women are communal creatures, and relationships are very important to them. So it means a lot when you say something wonderful about the people she loves. Tell her you think her dad is wise, or one of her kids is especially talented, or her close friend is fun to be with. By complimenting the people closest to your partner, you’re affirming them as well.