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对话20年前的自己 “时光穿越”视频引轰动


A 32-year-old man has released a video in which he chats with his boyhood self.

Jeremiah McDonald, a filmmaker and actor who lives in Portland, Me., stitched together footage of himself at age 12 with video from the present to simulate a conversation between the two.
Jeremiah McDonald是一位居住在波特兰市的演员兼导演,他把自己12岁时录制的影片假装与现在的他对话的视频剪辑在了一起。


The video, which has garnered nearly 3.8 million views since McDonald posted it Thursday on YouTube, features a back-and-forth about dead pets, 'Star Wars,' and the grown-up McDonald's realization he lost touch with a youthful passion for drawing.

"I think I'd like to talk to myself in the future. Yes, that's something that I’ll do," the younger Jeremiah says into the camera toward the start of the video, which segues into photos of McDonald over the years since 1992.

McDonald says he used the montage to demonstrate the kid is him after viewers reacted with disbelief to a similar video he made five years ago.
视频播放后有一些人说这个视频是他在5年前做的,McDonald 对此则说他运用了一些照片剪辑来证明这个孩子确实是他。

"I remember showing it to people and they'd politely nod and say, 'That's cute. So who was the kid playing you,'" McDonald told TODAY.com. "And it didn't even occur to them that the kid might be me."

"Even though the footage is real, the piece is still a surreal work of fiction," added McDonald

Though McDonald has a significant body of work, reaction to the time capsule video may lift his career to a new level.

"Had my first ‘recognized by a stranger' moment at the airport," McDonald tweeted Saturday. "Here we go."