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Before, during and after the recession, demand for one sort of worker has been persistently stronger: jobs that involve assisting or caring for other people - from fast-food workers to home-health aides to nail polishers.


These occupations have one thing in common: They aren't easily automated or outsourced abroad. 'You can't send people to China or India for a haircut,' says Israel Kakuriev, 37 years old, who has been cutting hair in midtown Manhattan for the past 20 years. Nor is there, yet, a robot that can cut hair or hold the hand of an elderly woman with Alzheimer's or do all the chores that flight attendants do.

这些行业都有一个共同点──不易于实行自动化操作或是被外包到海外。今年37岁、已在曼哈顿中城干了20年理发工作的伊兹蕾•卡库尔耶夫(Israel Kakuriev)说道,“你总不能把别人送到中国或印度去理发吧。”而且,现在还没有能理发的机器人,没有能够搀扶患有老年痴呆症的老妇人的机器人,也没有能够处理空乘人员那些杂务的机器人。

The U.S. government releases its latest snapshot of the job market Friday morning amid worrisome signs that economic growth is slowing well short of full employment.

But economists see a couple of longer-term trends. Dividing the workforce into high, medium and lower-skill workers, they note that around the world, demand for the most skilled and educated - from engineers to specialized factory workers - has been relatively strong. But globalization and technology have eroded demand for routine middle-skill, middle wage jobs: In factories, assembly jobs have been eliminated by automation or moved overseas; in offices, tasks once done by humans are done by computers and voice-response software.

At the same time, Massachusetts Institute of Technology economist David Autor notes an increase in personal-service jobs - the ones that can't be done remotely from overseas and can't easily be done by machines. To measure this, Mr. Autor and MIT's Daron Acemoglu sliced the U.S. workforce into 318 occupations, ranked by skill and education. Between 1989 and 2007 - just before the recession - they found a 5% increase in routinized production, machine-operator and clerical jobs - but a 36% increase in personal-service jobs and a 40% increase in top-of-the-pyramid jobs, such as managers, professionals and finance wizards.
与此同时,麻省理工学院(Massachusetts Institute of Technology)的经济学家戴维•奥托尔(David Autor)注意到个人服务岗位──那些无法外包到海外操作的工作或是不易用机器操作的工作──有所增加。为了评估这一状况,奥托尔和麻省理工学院的达伦•阿西莫格鲁(Daron Acemoglu)依据技能和教育程度的高低将美国的从业人员细分为318个岗位。他们发现,在1989年至衰退即将发生之前的2007年期间,常规的生产岗位、机器操作岗位以及文书岗位增加了5%,但个人服务岗位增加了36%,而处于金字塔顶尖的岗位,例如管理人员、专业人士和金融人才岗位的增幅则高达40%。

This polarization of the job market has persisted. Between 2007 and 2010, the total number of jobs in the U.S. fell by nearly 6%, but the previous pattern held: The number of middle-skill jobs, those most susceptible to automation or offshoring, fell by 12%. The number of high-end, high-education jobs fell by 1%. But despite the recession, there was a 2% increase in personal-service jobs.

Geraldine Arguello, 45, is a nurse's assistant at Colfax Senior Care Assisted Living in rural Raton, N.M., where she prepares meals, assists with dressing and grooming and organizes bingo games.
45岁的杰拉尔丁•阿奎罗(Geraldine Arguello)是新墨西哥州拉顿市(Raton)郊区老年人服务中心Colfax Senior Care Assisted Living的一名护士助理,她的工作内容包括做饭、协助老人们穿衣、梳洗和安排宾戈游戏。

'People say anybody can do this, but it takes a lot to earn trust,' she says. 'You're providing mental stability for residents that are swallowing the fact that they're depending on others at this point to get by.' The pay isn't great, though. She makes about $10 an hour, occasionally as much as $15 an hour when she works in an individual's home.

More jobs are better than fewer jobs - particularly for those who would otherwise be unemployed. But Mr. Autor cautions: 'These aren't going to be high-paying jobs because the skills are quite generic. Anyone can be productive at them in the next day or two. If you had to choose which jobs you'd want to go away, you'd pick these low-wage jobs, not the middle-skill ones.'