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9月21日发售?苹果iPhone 5上市时间被曝光


The iPhone 5 will ship to eager Apple fans on Friday, September 21, according to sources close to Apple.
据与苹果公司关系密切的知情人爆料,热情的苹果粉丝们将能够在2012年9月21日星期五拿到iPhone 5 手机。

A Chinese source leaked the release date to a French website called App4Phone yesterday, providing the specific date.
一位中国消息灵通人士7月23日将这个特殊的发售日期透露给了一家名叫App4Phone 的法国网站。

The source also confirmed the new controversial port on the base of the phone, which will make older accessories obsolete unless a separate adapter is purchased.

苹果iPhone 5上市时间被曝光

We all know the phone as the 'iPhone 5', unless Apple decides on another moniker like it did with the iPad 3, which it officially called 'the new iPad'.
我们目前知道新的iPhone手机是“iPhone 5”,除非苹果公司采用另一个新的名字,就比如它将第三代iPad命名为“the new iPad”。

Other revelations include the headphone socket moving from the top-left of the phone to the bottom-left of the phone, and that the screen will be 3.75 inches.