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Being aware of gossip-mongers and the effect of their casual behaviour can help you keep your image intact. Moreover, once you know about them, you will need to learn how to steer clear of them and not get affected by what they say. Here is how you can do it:

1. Ignore

Ignorance is bliss, it is said. Practicing it in this case is the best thing to do. Paying heed to the gossip and to the perpetrators of the same will only fuel their callousness. So, avoid giving it any more thought than it deserves.

2. Act Normal

Go about your business as usual. Do what you are good at, something that may be the reason the gossip started in the first place. Continue to be on your normal behaviour. It will not only affect you less, it will also irritate the gossip-monger(s) and give them fewer reasons to continue with their nonsense.

3. Confront

If you feel that the talks are getting a little too much and your inter-personal relations are getting affected, confront the person behind the whole thing. Tell him clearly that they should not interfere in your life and you shall take strict action against them if they continue to do so.

4. Take Legal Action

If confrontation does nothing to stop them, report the misconduct to the authorities at the workplace, or consult a legal professional if you feel it needs to be dealt with more seriously.

Gossip has become a part of our society and many people cannot live without it. However, it remains tolerable until it does not start affecting anyone personally. The moment it does, you need to adhere to the suggestions above to curb the effects.