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6.If you don't feel comfortable discussing protection andcontraception with your partner, you should not be havingsex.

7.While not perfect, condoms are the most effective way ofpreventing sexually transmitted infections (STIs) such as HIV,gonorrhea, chlamydia and trichomoniasis. Condoms also provide someprotection against herpes, syphilis and chancroid, but genitalulcer STIs can also be transmitted by contact with exposed infectedskin.

8.Condoms are not a particularly reliable method of preventingpregnancy either. The pregnancy rate among condom users is 12 per100 women compared with three for oral contraceptives. However, youneed to have been on the Pill for at least a month for it to beeffective.

9.In the UK it is illegal to have consensual sex if you areunder 16, even though nearly a third of teenagers engage in sexualintercourse before this age. A 16-year-old boy who has sex with his15-year-old girlfriend could, theoretically, be prosecuted.

10.You should know what to expect but notexpect too much. Sex is a bit like learning to play the piano. Youtend to be pretty rubbish at the beginning, but practice,eventually, makes perfect.