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The hunt is intensifying for new treatments for migraines, the common and debilitating headaches that have confounded scientists for decades.

Of greatest focus for researchers is a brain chemical known as CGRP, which appears to play a role in the transmission of pain, but not in other brain functions, such as cognition or mood. Researchers are trying a variety of experimental drugs to stop CGRP from working by blocking its receptors in the brain. Others are working on artificial antibodies that could soak up the chemical in the bloodstream or brain before it can trigger migraines.

Experts say the need for new medicines to treat migraine pain once it begins is great because current drugs only provide some benefit for 50% to 60% of sufferers and can't be used in people with heart disease or who have had a stroke. Also, they aren't a cure, and in many cases, the headaches tend to come back within 24 hours.

There also is a separate category of preventive drugs, which tend to be used by a small proportion of people who suffer from more frequent or debilitating migraines.

'People need migraine drugs that have a rapid onset of action, that take the pain away and keep it away,' says Richard Lipton, director of the Montefiore Headache Center in New York.
“人们需要立竿见影的偏头痛药,能够止痛并让它不再复发,”纽约蒙特菲奥里头痛研究中心(Montefiore Headache Center)的主任理查德•利普顿(Richard Lipton)说。

 Headache disorders are among the most common medical conditions world-wide. More than 1 in 10 adults globally are affected by migraines, which can be incapacitating, according to the World Health Organization. International studies have found that 50% to 75% of adults have reported a headache in the past year, with up to 4% of the global population reporting having a headache in half or more of the days each month, WHO says.
头痛症是全世界最常见的医学病症之一。根据世界卫生组织(World Health Organization)的数据,在全球范围内,每10名成年人中就有1人以上身受可能让人无法正常行动的偏头痛之苦。世卫组织说,国际研究发现,在过去的一年里,有50%-75%的成年人声称发生过头痛。全球人口中有4%的人每月有一半或者一半以上的日子里会发生头痛。

There isn't such a thing as a 'regular' headache, but rather more than 300 types, says David Dodick, a professor of neurology at the Mayo Clinic's branch in Phoenix and chairman of the American Migraine Foundation. People having migraines usually experience intense pain, sensitivity to light, dizziness and sometimes nausea and visual and sensory symptoms called auras. Two other major types of headaches are caused by tension or medication overuse.
美国梅约诊所(Mayo Clinic)凤凰城分所神经学教授、美国偏头痛基金会(American Migraine Foundation)主席大卫•多迪克(David Dodick)说,头痛没有一种“常规”病症,而是有300多种类型他也是。患偏头痛的人通常会感受到剧痛、对光线敏感、头晕,有时会感到恶心,还会有一些被称为先兆的视觉和知觉症状。另外两大类头痛的成因是紧张或药物使用过度。

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory painkillers such as ibuprofen work for some migraine sufferers. But the class of migraine medicines that hit the market in the 1990s called triptans remain the best or only treatment option for many patients. Nevertheless, about half of sufferers don't respond to them or can't take them because of other health reasons.

CGRP, which stands for calcitonin gene-related peptide neurotransmitter, has long been thought to play a role in migraines, but for much of that time for the wrong reason. Part of the confusion was because of a misunderstanding of migraines themselves.

Why they occur still isn't clear, but specialists say they have recently begun to understand the migraine as a brain disorder and not a vascular disorder. Until about 12 years ago, they were believed to stem from constriction of blood vessels in the brain. The dilation of the vessels to compensate then led to the throbbing pain, so the thinking went.

Now, it appears more likely that migraines 'hijack' the brain's normal pain circuitry, says Dr. Dodick. The brain's normal pain-sensory system, in which nerve endings send messages to the brain about a threat, goes awry in migraines.

Experts disagree about how a migraine is triggered, but the trigeminal nerve - an important pathway that carries sensory information about the face - and its connections to numerous other nerves and the brain appear to be responsible for transmitting the pain.