三星败诉 苹果成移动市场霸主
知识产权顾问米勒(Florian Mueller)认为,采用安卓系统的手机制造商仍将面临无数官司,因此它们将越来越多地寻求两面下注。这意味着它们开始寻求让自己的手机产品搭载其它操作系统。
Enter Microsoft Corp. (MSFT), whose Windows Phone operating system is backed up by a solid patent portfolio. Indeed, manufacturers like HTC and Samsung not only make Windows Phone devices, they also pay Microsoft royalties on their Android devices. That is because, like Apple, Microsoft says Android trespasses on its intellectual property. So to hedge their Android bet, it makes sense that manufacturers will increase their focus on Microsoft devices.
此时微软公司(Microsoft Corp.)将进入这些厂家的视野,其Windows Phone手机操作系统背后有一系列可靠的专利作支撑。事实上,宏达国际和三星等手机制造商不仅生产Windows Phone手机,他们也会为自己生产安卓手机而向微软支付专利权使用费。这是因为与苹果一样,微软也说安卓侵犯了自己的知识产权。所以,为了上个双保险,制造商多投入一些力量来生产使用微软操作系统的手机也是有道理的。
The California case could be especially helpful to Microsoft in the tablet market. Android had a 60% share of the smartphone market in the 12 months through June, compared with Apple's 20% share, according to Strategy Analytics. But in the tablet market, Android had a 33% share next to Apple's 63% share. No rival tablets compete against the iPad as effectively as, say, Samsung's Galaxy smartphones compete against the iPhone.
这桩加州诉讼案可能尤其有助于提升微软在平板电脑市场上的地位。据市场研究公司Strategy Analytics统计,在截至今年6月底的12个月里,安卓在智能手机市场上占有60%的份额,苹果仅为20%。但在平板电脑市场上,安卓的市场份额则仅为33%,远落后于苹果的63%。没有任何一款平板电脑能像三星Galaxy智能手机对抗iPhone那样与iPad产生有效竞争。
So Microsoft's Surface and other tablets running Windows looked set to be the first real challenger for the iPad when they come out this fall. If this case causes manufacturers to reduce their focus on developing Android tablets, Microsoft would get an added boost.
Amazon.com Inc. (AMZN) may want to watch its back. Its Kindle Fire is an Android device. Also, it is one of the only tablets with meaningful sales besides the iPad. And with a 'mini' iPad that competes directly with the Fire likely coming soon, Apple might add Amazon to its list of legal targets. Amazon has a weaker patent portfolio than Google, argues Mr. Mueller.
亚马逊公司(Amazon.com Inc.)可能要小心了。该公司的Kindle Fire就是一款搭载安卓系统的产品,而且是除iPad之外为数不多几个销售业绩还不错的平板电脑之一。由于苹果近期内可能会推出一款可与Fire直接竞争的“迷你”iPad,因此它可能会将亚马逊也列入其诉讼对象名单。米勒认为,亚马逊的专利组合弱于谷歌。
If it was even possible for Apple to have a stronger hand in mobile, this legal victory deals it another trump card. Everyone else is just fighting to sit at the same table.