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A tendency to frame events positively and expect good outcomes is another hallmark of heroes, says Jeremy Frimer, an assistant professor of psychology at the University of Winnipeg. In a 2010 study, 25 Canadians who had won awards for risking their lives to save others were asked to tell stories about their lives. Heroes were more likely to 'take something that's bad and turn it into something that's good,' says Dr. Frimer, a co-author of the study with Lawrence Walker, a psychology professor at the University of British Columbia, and others. In an example from another study, Dr. Frimer says, a woman diagnosed with breast cancer described the disease as 're-energizing her creative side,' saying her return to creating art was 'a gift that came from the tragedy.''
加拿大温尼伯格大学(University of Winnipeg)心理学助理教授杰瑞米•弗利默(Jeremy Frimer)认为,从积极的方面想事情并期待良好的结果是英雄的另一个特征。在2010年的一项研究中,研究人员让25位曾因冒着生命危险救助他人而获得奖励的加拿大人讲述他们生活中的故事。弗利默博士称,英雄更有可能会“承担不好的事情,然后把它转变为好事。”她与不列颠哥伦比亚大学(University of British Columbia)的心理学教授劳伦斯•沃克(Lawrence Walker)及其他研究者联合撰写了这份研究报告。弗利默博士还提到,在另一项研究中,一位被诊断患有乳腺癌的女士说这个疾病重新“激活了她具有创造力的一面”,并称她重新开始艺术创作是“这个悲剧送给她的一个礼物”。

When Stephen St. Bernard came home from work last month to his Brooklyn, N.Y., apartment building, neighbors had gathered outside. A 7-year-old child had squeezed out of her family's third-floor apartment window and was dancing on the air-conditioning unit outside, some 25 feet above the pavement.
史蒂芬•圣伯纳德(Stephen St. Bernard)今年53岁,是纽约大都会运输署(Metropolitan Transportation Authority)的一名巴士司机。7月的某一天,家住纽约布鲁克林的圣伯纳德下班后回到自己所住的公寓楼,发现楼外聚集了一群邻居。原来,一个七岁大的孩子从位于三层的家里的窗户钻了出来,站在屋外的空调机上跳舞,距离路面大约有25英尺高。

All Mr. St. Bernard was thinking, he says, was 'maybe I can catch her,' says the 53-year-old bus driver for the Metropolitan Transportation Authority. 'The weight of the child, how hard she was going to hit me - none of that crossed my mind,' he says. 'I was just hoping, praying, 'God, please don't let me miss.''

As he moved beneath the window, the girl slipped and plummeted into his outstretched arms with an estimated 600 pounds of force, nearly ripping his arm off. He has had surgery to repair the torn muscles, tendons and nerves and will need months of painful physical therapy. But in describing the incident, he focuses on the fact that the child escaped injury or death. 'Not a scratch was on that baby,' he says.

Heroic people also tend to have a strong sense of ethics and above-average coping skills - a belief in their ability to tackle challenges and beat the odds, research shows. On the battlefield in Afghanistan last January, Navy nurse James Gennari knew, when he saw an injured Marine arrive on a stretcher at his medical facility, that standard procedures wouldn't work. The Marine had a live rocket-propelled grenade embedded in his body, from his thigh through his buttocks. A surgeon told Lt. Cmdr. Gennari he didn't have to intervene; a bomb squad could remove the grenade.
研究表明,英勇之人常常也具有强烈的道德感和高于常人的应对能力——他们相信自己能够应对挑战并取得出乎意料的成功。去年1月,在阿富汗战场上,一名受伤的海军陆战队队员躺在担架上被送到了海军护理人员詹姆斯•杰纳里(James Gennari)所工作的医院。杰纳里少校明白常规的治疗程序是起不了作用的:这名士兵的体内有一枚未爆炸的火箭推进榴弹,横穿了他的大腿和臀部。一名外科医生告诉杰纳里少校他不用管这件事,拆弹小组会取出那枚榴弹。

But Lt. Cmdr. Gennari stepped up to the stretcher, took the Marine's hand and told him, 'I promise you, no matter what, I won't leave you until that thing is out of your leg,' ' Lt. Cmdr. Gennari says. He administered a sedative so an explosives specialist could pull out the bomb. It was later detonated in a huge blast outside the base. Lt. Cmdr. Gennari kept the Marine alive by pumping a manual respirator during a power failure on a helicopter flight to another camp. He was awarded a Bronze Star for valor this month.

Values that inspire heroism are often taught in childhood; 'children who grew up watching their parents stick their necks out for others, are likely to do the same,' says Dr. Hupp.

Lt. Cmdr. Gennari says his parents taught him 'that every good thing that happens to you is a blessing, and you're supposed to give back.' His father Gilbert, a Staff Sergeant in the Army who won a Bronze Star in the Korean War for meritorious service, taught him that 'a man's word is a measure of his character,' he adds. Thus when he gave the Marine his word that he wouldn't leave him, he says, 'that was the way it was going to be.'