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Best four years:泰勒.斯威夫特催泪新单《Ronan》背后的故事


Taylor Swift broke down as she performed her chart-topping new single 'Ronan' on Friday night.

But even more emotional was the mother of the beautiful, blue-eyed four-year-old whose heart-breaking battle with cancer inspired the star's hit song.


'I don't think there was a dry eye in the house. I'm surprised I wasn't on the floor bawling,' Maya Thompson said after watching the performance during a Stand Up 2 Cancer telethon.
“屋里的每一个人都热泪盈眶,我很惊讶自己没有坐到地上放声大哭。” 玛雅-汤普森刚看完《站起来对抗癌症》公益募捐节目里的表演,这样说道。

Swift's lyrics were based entirely on a blog Thompson, 33, starting writing in August 2010, when her son Ronan was diagnosed with neuroblastoma.

Her bubbly, wide-eyed little boy fought the illness for nine months before passing away in May 2011, just three days before his fourth birthday.

Thompson used the blog as a way to work through her grief at the loss of her child, something she describes as 'the worst thing that could happen to a family.'

The mother, who has nine-year-old twin boys and another baby due in April, met Swift in October 2011 when she was invited to the singer's concert in Phoenix.

'She had been reading my blog for a while and heard that Ronan had passed away,' Thompson told AZcentral.com. 'And she was just devastated by it.'
“她一直都在看我的博客,并且听说了罗南去世的消息。” 汤普森这样告诉AZcentral网站的记者,“她悲痛欲绝。”

But Thompson was unaware quite how much Ronan's story had affected the singer until she received a surprise voice mail from her.

'My calmness soon turned to complete and utter frozen shock when these words came out of her mouth. 'I wrote a song for Ronan,' she wrote on her blog.
她在博客上写到:“ 泰勒跟我说:‘我要为罗南写首歌’,当从她口中听到这句话时,我完全惊呆了,根本无法平静。”