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贪睡御猫Larry被卡梅伦降职 英财政大臣爱猫上位

2012-09-19来源:Daily Mail

He has long been accused of chillaxing on the job. Now it seems Larry the Downing Street moggy has had one cat nap too many for his owner's liking.

In his second major reshuffle in two weeks, David Cameron has reportedly sacked his pet as Chief Mouser to the Cabinet after finally growing tired of Larry's lethargy.

贪睡御猫Larry被卡梅伦降职 英财政大臣爱猫上位

It took Larry six months in the post before he made his first 'confirmed kill' last month and he doesn't appear to have made any since.

The breaking point came on Thursday when the Prime Minister found Larry asleep on his chair in his Number 10 study as a mouse ran across the room, according to The People.
根据The People 网站的报道,此次事件的导火索是在周四时,首相在唐宁街10号的书房里发现一只老鼠在溜达而Larry却在椅子上贪睡。

He attempted to wake Larry to spur him into action, but all the feline could manage was to open one eye and duly didn't budge an inch.

Mr Cameron has now drafted in Chancellor George Osborne's tabby Freya as the new Mouser of State to patrol Numbers 10, 11 and 12.

Sources claim Larry will be completely sidelined and have described the new arrangement as a 'job share' to avoid any hurt feelings.

Freya, who returned to Downing Street after going missing for three years, is thought to an altogether tougher and more street-wise predator.
Freya 在此前曾走失三年,现在回到唐宁街,大家都认为是一个更加严厉的街头杀手。

Larry was recruited last February to rid No 10 of its rodent problem, but swiftly earned a reputation for napping rather than ratting.
Larry 是在二月份时被雇来处理唐宁街10号的鼠患问题,但是他贪睡的名号可比捕鼠的响亮多了。

Olly Grender, deputy director of communications at No 10, tweeted: ‘Just arrived at work. Larry the cat sitting proudly outside No 10 front door with a dead mouse next to him.
通讯部副部长Olly Grender曾在推特上说道:“我初来乍到刚开始工作时,Larry 骄傲地躺在唐宁街10号门口,旁边躺着一只死老鼠。”

Larry's life was turned upside down in June when Mr Osborne's long-lost cat Freya was found safe and well, raising concerns that a turf war may break out.

Freya was just a few months old when she went missing from the Osbornes’ Notting Hill home three years ago. Mr Osborne, wife Frances and their two young children Luke and Liberty searched the streets of West London and put up ‘lost’ posters, but to no avail.

But earlier this year, Frances, an author, received a phone call telling her Freya was alive and well. She had been living as a stray in a garden a few streets away from the Osbornes’ Notting Hill house, lovingly fed and looked after by a neighbour who had not seen the posters.